Rewind Menu Backup Page

This page is just used for backing up menus. Please don't delete it.

As always, you can rest easy knowing that your data is safe.

- The Rewind Team

[ { "id" : "main-menu", "handle" : "main-menu", "title" : "Main menu", "links" : [ {"url" : "/", "title" : "Home"}, {"url" : "/collections/suede-strips-straps-scrap-for-purse-straps-and-leather-projects", "title" : "Suede Leather Strips"}, {"url" : "/collections/colored-latigo-strips", "title" : "Colored Latigo Strips"}, {"url" : "/collections/suede-leather-small-pieces-of-hide", "title" : "Suede Leather Panels for Crafting"}, {"url" : "/collections/metallic-leather-small-pieces", "title" : "Metallic Leather Small Pieces"}, {"url" : "/collections/small-cut-pieces-of-garment-leather-hide", "title" : "Garment Leather Small Pieces"}, {"url" : "/collections/leather-in-blues", "title" : "Leather in Blues"}, {"url" : "/collections/leather-in-reds", "title" : "Leather in Reds"}, {"url" : "/collections/leather-in-purples", "title" : "Leather in Purples"}, {"url" : "/collections/leather-in-golds-and-browns", "title" : "Leather in Golds and Browns"}, {"url" : "/collections/shiny-metallic-leather-strips", "title" : "Shiny Metallic Leather Strips"}, {"url" : "/collections/metallic-leather-stirps", "title" : "Metallic Leather Strips"}, {"url" : "/collections/leather-glues-and-paints", "title" : "Leather Care Glues and Paints"} ] }, { "id" : "footer", "handle" : "footer", "title" : "Footer menu", "links" : [ {"url" : "/pages/ccpa-opt-out", "title" : "Do not sell my personal information"}, {"url" : "/pages/privacy-policy", "title" : "Privacy policy"}, {"url" : "/pages/refund-policy", "title" : "Refund policy"}, {"url" : "/pages/shipping-policy", "title" : "Shipping Policy"}, {"url" : "/pages/terms-of-service", "title" : "Terms of service"} ] }, { "id" : "blog-menu", "handle" : "blog-menu", "title" : "BLOG-menu", "links" : [ {"url" : "/blogs/us-crafthouse-customer-projects", "title" : "US Crafthouse Customer Projects"} ] }, { "id" : "customer-account-main-menu", "handle" : "customer-account-main-menu", "title" : "Customer account main menu", "links" : [ {"url" : "/", "title" : "Shop"}, {"url" : "®ion_country=US", "title" : "Orders"} ] } ]